Tuesday, February 21, 2012


When the deluxe edition of Candyland went on sale for a steal at Target right before Christmas, I KNEW it was a sign. Granted, Abigail showed little to no sign of wanting to play games, unlike some of her friends *cough*Lilly*cough*, but I help out hope that the day was coming, and when it finally came, I would be able to whip my favorite childhood board games out, all prepared.

Well... The day came, and it was today. :)

Not sure what clicked - it's certainly not the first time I (or mommy) have asked her to play with me, and she's watched me "play" by myself before (hoping to make it look like so much fun she just couldn't resist), but she's never wanted to sit down and play a game WITH me.

Except today she pulled it down, said "Let's play Candyland!", set it up, and proceeded to play two games with me, perfectly. Except she kept forgetting which came first, moving her person or picking a card, but it was so cute watching her pick up her little guy, look puzzled for a second, then go "Oh, I need a CARD!" that I never corrected her lol.

She won both games, by the way. :)

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