Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reaching For Helicopters

Today Abby and I went outside to play in the snow. After awhile a helicopter flew by overhead. Abby got really excited, dropped her little shovel and pail, and stretched her arms up as far as they'd go - she was even on tiptoes.

"I REACH it!" she shrieked. "I REACH it!"

I wasn't sure I'd heard her right. "What are you saying, Abby?"

"I REACH it!" she repeated.

"You want to reach the helicopter?" I clarified. She nodded excitedly.

The helicopter was quickly out of sight.

"Aw," Abby sighed, clearly disappointed. "It gone. I reach it."

"You would have reached it if it hadn't gone away?" I asked.

She nodded sadly. "Yeah." Then she brightened, looking up expectantly. "It come back?"

She acts so much like a little grown-up, I sometimes forget she's still just a little girl who sometimes thinks she can reach the helicopter in the sky. Oh, to be two (and a half). :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Milestone

Today I picked up my younger siblings and took them and Abby to McDonald's to play on the playground (it got warmer this afternoon but still felt too cold this morning to comfortably go to the outdoor playground).

I remember when I first started watching Abigail a year ago, we went to meet the kids at the same playground, and there was no way she could play on the playground - she was way too tiny! It was shocking to me today to see her scramble up the steps and go crawling around the tunnels, unassisted, having a great time. She's gotten so big so fast!

Wish I'd gotten to take pictures... but she was moving so fast, all the ones I got turned out crazy-blurry!

The other nice thing, of course, is that after more than an hour of playing, she climbed down, ate a big lunch of chicken nuggets and apple dippers, and came home to take a good nap. :)

I laid her in her crib very sleepy - she was barely able to keep her eyes open! About five minutes later, I was sitting by the baby monitor. All was quiet, then all of a sudden I heard a tiny little voice: "OOOH NOOO! Where's POOH? And my FROG?"

I looked around, and lo and behold, Pooh Bear and Froggy were out in the living room with me. I jumped off the sofa, snatched them, and ran them down the hall before Abigail could get more worked up. The look on her face when she saw them in my arms can safely be translated, I think, as "Oh, here is 'my Sarah', the righter of all wrongs." :) At any rate, she smiled as I placed them in her arms and crept out, and when I got back to the living room and checked the monitor she was in the same position, arms wrapped around Froggy and Pooh Bear, fast asleep.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"No Room For You!"

Funny story -

Earlier this week I waited a little too long to put Abby down for her nap; normally when I put her down, she's content and blows me kisses and then rolls over and goes to sleep quickly. That day, however, about a minute after I left the room I heard her start to fuss, so I turned on the video monitor that's in her room to see what was going on.

I have to pause and explain here that Abby sleeps with a lot of stuffed animals - there's Pooh Bear, Tigger, Piglet, Eyore, a stuffed mouse, a stuffed frog, a baby doll, and sometimes a toy or two. These are all faithfully rounded up before naptime, if she's taken them out of her crib, and she often talks to them, or arranges them all carefully "in order" as she's falling asleep.

When I looked into the monitor, I saw that Abby had carefully arranged all the animals, but seemed to be having issues with Pooh Bear. She kept pushing him and saying loudly and unhappily, "No! No! No!" Finally, she hit Pooh Bear over the head and threw him to the bottom of the crib, rolled over, and fell asleep. I thought this was kind of strange, since she and Pooh Bear are usually the best of friends, but I figured she was tired and grouchy.

Today as we were driving home, she fell asleep in my truck even though it was pretty early, so I knew she was tired. She woke up as we were coming through the house and I helped her collect all her critters to take back to the crib. She was pretty sleepy so I figured she would fall asleep quickly, but a moment after I left the room I heard her fussing, so I turned on the video monitor to see what was up.

All the critters were arranged - Pooh Bear, too! - but apparently Piglet was causing some strife. She kept setting him against the side of the crib, but as soon as she pulled her hand away, he (being a little top heavy for such a very small animal) would fall over. She kept pushing him back saying, "No! Stop that! No!"

Finally, she picked him up and yelled, "No ROOM for you, Piglet!" threw him to the bottom of the crib, rolled over, and fell asleep. :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lots of Talking

Abby has started using sentences now. Yesterday when we pulled up at my house, she pointed to our dog, Oliver, in the yard and exclaimed "There's the puppy! Aw, so cute!" When we were sitting at the Mexican restaurant later, I asked her if she was hungry, and she said "My chips are coming." :)

She's started talking about ideas and concepts now instead of just concrete ideas. Today we were sitting and coloring and she said "I love..." and kind of trailed off. I asked her, "What do you love, Abigail?" and she started listing things - among them Hello Kitty, Sydney, mommy and daddy, Maggie (my sister), and chips. Quite an eclectic list to come up with, especially since I wasn't prompting her.

She understands the concept of time much better - if I tell her that we'll do something later, she's content most of the time and knows that this isn't the same answer as "no." She asks when school or gymnastics is and seems to understand when I say "tomorrow".

Speaking of school... she LOVES school and can't wait to get there each Wednesday! She practically runs down the hall saying "Miss Laura! Miss Robin!" and heaven help us if we're a bit early and the door isn't open yet. Also, I've noticed that lately she doesn't run straight to the door to see if I'm waiting for her when it's over anymore. She's still glad to see me, she still gives me a big hug and says "I MISSED you!" but she seems to be fully confident that I'll be there to pick her up.

Chris told me this morning that last night he and Abby were reading my blog, and she pointed to my picture and said "Sa'ah... (this is how she pronounces my name, lol)... I love Sa'ah." Several times in the last couple days we've been together she's come up to my randomly, put her hand on my shoulder, and said "My Sa'ah." :)