Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Recently Abby and I had one of her big-girl cousins come spend the day with us. :) We had a great time going to the Jump Yard, the park, hanging out at home, and playing with homemade modeling clay courtesy of Pinterest. :)

For future reference, here's the recipe with our own modifications:

Homemade Bakeable Clay

1 cup salt
2 cups flour
1 cup lukewarm water
Food coloring in whatever color you desire - we used 4-6 drops and got a very light tint. Use more for a more vibrant color
One of the following: a teaspoon or so of vanilla extract, a few drops of essential oil in whatever scent you desire, or (my favorite) a tablespoon or so of cinnamon :). You can also add up to 1/2 a cup of glitter!

Mix salt and flour (and glitter or cinnamon, if using) together well; add food coloring (and vanilla or essential oils, if using) to water and slowly add water to flour until you get dough-like consistency. Turn it out onto a floured surface and knead a few times, adding more flour or water as neccessary.

Shape, mold, etc, and bake on an ungreased sheet at around 250 for at least an hour, or until pieces are hard to the touch, flipping halfway through.

Leftover clay can be stored, sealed, in the fridge, for a week or so. :)

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