Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We were over at my house yesterday when the phone call came from the post office that our shipment of chicks had arrived. I was pretty excited, not for the sake of having chickens again (I prefer it when they're old enough to live OUTSIDE!), but because I knew Abby would love them. I explained to her that we were going to see baby chickens, and told her that we could hold them, and that they'd say "Peep! Peep!" A minute later I asked her, "What will the chickies say?" and she promptly responded "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" Well, at least she got the whole "chicken" concept down!

When they arrived they were making a RACKET (27 chicks, each peeping as loudly as they can, make a lot of noise) and I think she was a little put off by it, so she wanted to be held as she got her first look.

At first, she just wanted to peek into the box.

We asked her if she wanted to hold one, and she was uncertain - didn't say yes, but she didn't shake her head no, either.

We didn't push the issue, but we were all handling the chickies, so I think she realized pretty quickly that the chickies were "safe".

She did give the chickie a "hug". :)

A closer examination proved to her that the chickie was indeed cute and fluffy...

Time to try petting one!

Finally, Abigail decided she did want to hold one!

She held one really nicely for a few minutes, until the chickie nibbled at her hand. It didn't hurt her, since their beaks are really soft at this stage, but I think it startled her and she decided she wanted to go back to patting them. I was impressed that she relayed this very calmly instead of just dropping the chickie on it's head!

All in all, she liked the chickies, but thought they weren't quite as fun as Cocoa Puff the kitty or the bunny rabbits. I can't wait to see what she thinks of them as they grow!

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