Thursday, March 29, 2012

Easter School Party

Abby's school Easter party was this Thursday, kicking off the beginning of spring break!

It began with top-your-own ice cream sundaes.

It was a LOT of sugar! :)

Abby had a few of her mama's white chocolate M&M's, and a slice of strawberry, and maybe 2 bites of ice cream, then she was done, lol.

Lilly loved her ice cream!

There were lots of fun activities to do before the egg hunt - a bunny beanbag toss...

... A "Jellybean Prayer"...

(Abby did this activity all by herself, needing no help from me!)

"Pin The Tail On The Bunny"

Then it was time for the egg hunt!

Imagine the most chaotic scene you can imagine... then double it... and you will have some small idea of what the egg hunt was like. Luckily, once we were outside in the open air, the noise and chaos seemed to bother Abby less than when we were inside with it. :)

It did not take Abby long to "hunt" twelve eggs - I was SURE we'd come home with twelve blue eggs, but "I like colorful eggs" she told me. :)

Bean and I tried to get the girls to sit STILL for some Easter pictures, to no avail. Sugar dance!

I think they had fun. :)

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