Monday, July 26, 2010

VBS Pictures

I finally got a chance to put up the VBS photos! I only have a little time, so I'm just gonna post a quick caption right now and try to come back and write more later. :)
Abigail and Nathan, the little boy who fell in love with her over the week. :) He would help her with all the games, make sure she had a toy to play with, and hold her hand in the hallway.

Abby and I with the camel. She loved the camel and waved to it every morning.

Abby and Nathan holding hands in the hallway.

Hope, Nathan's sister, in costume!

Hanging out in the pyramids in the gym.

Giving the brick offering at morning assembly.

One of Abby's classmates, a girl named Emily.

One of the crafts we did... it's baby Moses in the bullrushes. :)

One day a bunch of Abby's classmates got dressed up in costumes.

Nathan, Abby's "boyfriend", helping her with brick offering.

Holding hands on our way to the gym!

Waiting withour class for assembly to start.

Playing games in the gym.

Hiding in the pyramids again!

Running a beanbag relay race!

We're basket cases!

Once Nathan started paying attention to her, all the little boys started paying attention to her. :) I think she liked all the attention!

Another costumed classmate!

More classmates waiting for morning assembly to start.

My angel, waiting for morning assembly to start.

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